
Doc's diary and Frenzal Rhomb blog

This is archive of Doc's diary and Frenzal Rhomb blog

Entry 29

Some nice little pictures for you all:

Jay and Phil McKellar playing with all the Shiny things

while gordy and tom look on very interested note TAPE MACHINE (don’t worry we’re still using bro tools as well)

gordy reacts well to us replacing him with a drum machine

whereas tom is not so impressed us replacing him with the foot pedals of a Hammond

and here’s the Doctor, seconds before handing the guitar back to his army of official stringers.

Day 2 is over. Drums, bass and one guitar - 9 tracks down, about 16 to go. (we're musicians, not mathematicians).

Entry 28

Day one. 6:40pm. Wow, haven’t we achieved a lot. So far we’ve set up the drums, spent 5 hours tuning them, which is pointless since BANG is not a note. I’ve lined up a dude to root and Gordy’s half drunk on Heineken already. Smooth sailing. More tomorrow.

There’s a conga line of amps set up that could probably circle the earth twice, if they weren’t busy sitting there waiting to have guitars plugged in to them and played loudly. The guitars, well it’s Ebay’s finest: Kalugas, Squires and Auditions, with a couple of Gibsons, Gretchs and Danelectros to lend some credibility to the whole process. There’s enough pedals to replace every unexploded mine in Afghanistan: distortions, overdrives, fuzz, flangers, phasers, choruses, delays, wahs, whammys, and octavers. All this at our feet, and what have we gone with so far? Gibson SG plugged into a Marshall. Fuck you.

Here’s a tip though. Next time someone starts telling you the Boss SD-1 is better than the Tubescreamer or vice versa - they both sound exactly the fucking same. As does every other overdrive pedal from ’75 to ’92. End of story.

Oh yeah, the bass. Tom’s got one. And he plugged it into an amp. Sounds bassy.

Later that night…

We could bang on about all the banging going on in the search for the perfect snare sound, the building of a bass isolation enclosure, and the vintage of the microphones used to mic up the guitar amps, but we feel this photo is a clear indication, on day one, of how the recording is going to go:

One song down, about 20 to go.

Entry 27

G'day all you tight black jeans-wearing, Parkway Drive loving weirdos. Thought I'd drop a line just to let you all know we're not dead. . .yet. This may or may not read coherent, as, it IS a Friday evening, and I HAVE had a beer or nine. Anyways, as you all no doubt know, Jay and Lindsay are continuing on with their radio shenanigans this year, and are in the process of signing a multi-million dollar deal to broadcast live from the vagina of Nicole Kidman. Christ I hope they don't ask me to be a boom mike operator on that day. Seriously though, we've been getting together as much as possible lately, and so far, we've managed to demo around 30-odd new songs. We're as happy as a paedo in a kindy with them so far, but I'm hardly gonna sit here like every other self-important fuckhead from just about every other band ever, and tell you how great we are, or bang on about how, "Oh, this new stuff is the best stuff we've ever done, we really tried to branch out", blah blah. Fucken whatever. We're gonna put out a record when we collectively have the time, it's gonna sound like us, you might like it, you might wanna neck yourself to it. Either way, I'm right into it, I'm having a ball writing/demoing it, and I reckon that's about all that matters. If you're with me, thumbs up, if you're not, piss off and put on your Grinspoon records. Cheers cunts, gordy

Entry 26

Gday there everyone. Just a quick update on the movements of your four favourite Frenzal fuckwits, and I’m not talking bowel movements. We comfirmed the BDO a coupla days ago, sorry for keeping a lid on it, but we wanted to be sure we were doing it. Christ knows why they asked us, we haven’t released anything this year, I guess we were on the list of filler – along with Slipknot and the Beastie Boys. Unlike those last two headliners, we’ll be playing reeeeeeeeeeal early, first on the main stage, so you’re all gonna have to get up a little earlier that day. Of course after we play you can go and get some sleep until Dallas Crane play, and then go watch Tom ejaculating into his panties over Slipknot.

It’s gonna be pretty fun too, coz Jason and I will have just started our silly Triple J breakfast thing, so we’ll be doing that and playing at the BDO some days. I think we’ve agreed that sleep is for the weak for the first coupla months of 2005…

Other than that, we wrote a bunch of songs the other weekend, and hopefully we’ll write a bunch more pretty soon, so we can get back out on the road again sometime in the first half of next year. To all the scaredy people scared that JJJ will be the ruin of Frenzal Rhomb, just remember, our Breakfast Show shift finishes at 9am, rock doesn’t start til midday.

Cheers and isinglass-free beers,


ps - here's a picture of Jay, Gordy and me with and Ian "Turps" Turpie. Need I say more?

Entry 25

Hey there gang. And cheers to everyone in Rural victoria for making our trip to Camperdown last weekend so tops. Cheers to Blueline Medic for rocking, and for the local band before them, who obviously I've forgotten the name of. A special thankyou to the guys from Siphon, who we well and truly missed, due to our essential stop at Vegetarian Orgasm once we got to Melbourne, but found it in their hearts to take a coupla pictures of us for the record. And here they are:

I had the rare priviledge of getting up onstage with The Drugs the other day at Newtown Festival, for a rousing rendition of their Rock Against Howard track "I was a teenage voter". Cheers to Ian Baddley and the gents for that honour, and to Fiona for the snapping:

And Jason and I, as well as the extended Whalley family, a stray Israeli and many others, headed down to Canberra last monday to yell at the cunts inside the big building with grass on the top of it about their continued fucking around of the refugees. Much fun was had by all:

Including our good mate Merlin from Big Brother:

And this gentleman, almost certainly straight out of Police Academy 2:

but maybe not my good friend Senator Bartlett:

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