
Doc's diary and Frenzal Rhomb blog

This is archive of Doc's diary and Frenzal Rhomb blog

Entry 24

Hey there. We've been a bit quiet lately, in case you haven't noticed. Well, quiet on this website anyway. Jason and I have been lowering the radio bar significantly on JJJ for the last few weeks in the arvos, and we're gonna be doing saturday afternoons from this weekend too. So tune in to hear bad songs and worse banter. Gordy's been as busy as a one-armed paper boy with crabs, or more accurately, a two-armed drummer in Mindsnare. Touring around the traps, Tasmania was the last one, lucky cunt. And Tom, well, Tom's been sailing. And working on his side-project, which I for one can't wait to hear.

And yes, we lost the election. So now the initial impulse of moving to New Zealand has passed, we get to work on making sure the cunt or his Treasurer mate don't get in in 2007. I predict some pretty fucked times economically for this country over the next 3 or so years, not to mention some pretty bad times for the other people our government has fucked over.

The Self-Righteous Brothers have been pretty busy of late. By that I mean we played two shows, in a different state! There's pictures of that little outing on the high seas at photobucket (link is not available anymore). We've got a little 3-song sampler you can get your grubby little hands on by emailing, and we'll have an album out real soon too.

Other than that, local bands are good, including Unpaid Debt, The Optionals, Dick Nasty, Peabody, Godnose, Gazoonga Attack, The Nation Blue, Ebola Goldfish, The Disables and Cosima. See you at the Peabody single launch this Friday at the Annandale.

Cheers, your illicit girlfriend,


Entry 23

Hey there gang. We got so many letters of support over the Austereo debacle, I've started a new Blog to paste them all. You can read all the letters at .

Cheers to you all,


Entry 22

G'day everyone. Thanks for the words of support over the last week, I had no idea TodayFM had so many enemies - well, I may have suspected it. Still, if even one person in a Hoobastank hoodie comes after us, I'll know to blame Kyle.

In other tops news, the ROCK AGAINST HOWARD cd will be in stores on the 16th of August - that's bloody great news to me and all the bands involved, and hopefully will make a coupla Liberal MPs shit their pants even more than they do every time Alexander Downer speaks. Check out - the tracklisting and stuff will be updated soon to list in full the 34 Tracks in all their glory. There'll also be launches all around the country in August, so be prepared for them (and a few surprises too)...

Also, our merch site's just been crapped on from above with a bunch more Frenzal T-shirts, we now have a shirt for pretty much every single person you could wish to offend. Check out for all the gory details.

Other than that, the Self-Righteous Brothers album - "Love Songs for the Wrong at Heart" has been mastered (did somebody whisper something about polishing a turd?) and with any luck, or complete lack thereof, should be getting released in a coupla months.

Cheers to you all, I'm off to watch some doco about some shit country with some shit president or something...

Entry 21

Hey there gang. Well, what a crazy last coupla days it’s been for us. Seems we can’t go anywhere in this fair land without whipping up a storm of controversy. If anyone reading this doesn’t already know, this time it’s between us and the lovely Jackie O, star of Today FM, the badly rating popstars and also the judge behind the selecting of the band Bardot, who have since broken up.

The basics of it is that Jackie O was supposed to be hosting the festival, she missed her plane, was 9 hours late, when she finally arrived they were already running behind time, and they asked us to cut some songs out. When we were about to go on suddenly she appears out on stage to say her bit or whatever. The crowd were already chanting for us, and they'd already had to put up with some MP trying to talk to them, So we decided we weren't gonna wait anymore and just went out on stage, with me playing the intro to Thunderstruck (badly). As we started our set Jason and I were saying things like "Sorry bout Jackie O, Jackie O what the fuck?" and "Fuck Popstars, Fuck Big Brother, Fuck the lot of them"... and then proceeded into our set.

Later in the night Jackie O's bodyguard came up to our guitar tech (I thought this was during the set but it may have been at the after party) and told him "You're lucky we didn't come on stage and make something of it", threatening violence against us.

I also "apologised" to jackie at the after party, purely for a photo opportunity.

And yesterday John Zucco at Shock recieved a call from Ryan Wellington, the Producer of the Jackie and Kyle show threatening to "Bury the band" and "Destroy Frenzal Rhomb" if we didn't come on and be interviewed by them. He threatened that Austereo would never play Frenzal Rhomb again (we did wonder whether they'd have to amend their playlist at all to achieve this goal...)

So we decided to go on their show, not to apologise, but because we couldn't believe they'd give us another forum to air our views on the Australian Music industry (The gig was to about 4000 people, how many people listen to Today FM?), and to ask them why they threatened to destroy the band.

They prerecorded the interview, but broadcast it as if it were live, pretending they had demanded their producer get Jason on the line, in a display of high-drama. To their credit they broadcast the interview in its entirety, just bleeping out the swear words (well, most of them – Jackie can be heard saying “fuck”). And, as I'm sure you'll hear in the interview, the results speak for themselves.

In addition to this, Jason and I also DJ on JJJ sometimes, so we'll be sure to play the whole interview again, to make sure Jackie feels she hasn't been misrepresented. Friday morning between 6 and 9 we're doing breakfast with Adam Spencer, so we might give it a spin then.

And Steve Cannane from the Hack program on JJJ, which runs at 5:30 every weeknight, is going to look into the whole "Austereo banning bands it doesn't like" phenomenom.

So, looks like a great time ahead for Australian music.

Please feel free to head over to and promise them your undying support and adoration in their brave fight, or email Jackie O your words of support to

You can also let the whole Today Fm crew know how much they mean to you at

Cheers, Lindsay.

Entry 20

Gday there people, welcome to the doctor's diary for May. I haven't written for a while, but that's coz there's been fuck all going on worth talking about. Well, nothing that you'd be interested in anyway.

You may be interested to know that I've rounded up about 20 hours of digital video footage from Frenzal tours dating back to about two years ago, and I'm slowly filling up our manager's hard drive with them. So with any luck, sometime before the end of the year we might even get a little Frenzal DVD on our hands. I've uncovered some pretty funny stuff so far, from BB gun action in Taiwan, monkey spotting in South Africa, General drunkeness and debauchery all over the world, and the fun to be had with a one dollar coin at a 24hr laundromat. As well as a bunch of live shows from us, with varying degrees of shitness.

You may notice that our gig schedule for the rest of this year is looking a little empty. That's coz we're about to start writing a nice shiny new album for y'all to dig your rotting teeth into. We've dusted off the reel to reel 4-track and the squeezebox and the demos are sure to start anyday now... anyday...

Apart from that I've been kept busy with a little compilation I'm working on. A few months ago I realised that pretty much all of my mates in bands had one thing in common - we all hated John Howard. So I figured why not put out a compilation album to tell all of Australia just how much we hate the little man with the big eyebrows, and maybe convince people to NOT VOTE FOR HIM in the next election. Of course this coincides quite nicely with Fat Wreck's Rock Against Bush (I promise I thought of it first...), so I thought I'd call it ROCK AGAINST HOWARD, and it's gonna have all your favourite aussie musos rocking out against the liberal party. I won't spoil the surprise by naming which bands, but it's gonna rock, I can tell you that. It'll be out by the end of June I hope, so make sure you keep an eye out for it - and I'll make sure I remind you all.

Apart from that, Jason and I have been busy putting the final orchestral flourishes on the Self-Righteous Brothers album, which should be ready real soon, as soon as the bassoonist finished his licks. It's sounding real nice too, real purty...

And that's about it. Right now I'm listening to Gentle Ben and His Sensitive Side's new album, it's a little cold, and my breath smells like Baked Beans and green capsicum.

Cheers to you all, Lindsay.

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