Frenzal Rhomb. Australian punk rock.
Site news
Band page was updated
Dive into their career on The Frenzal Rhomb J Files.
Archive page was added with stuff from Doc's diary and blog.
Photos page was updated.
Guitar lessons was updated with some songs from the streams. My Dearest Friend, Back To The Suburbs, Alvarez, Snouts In The Trough, Metrognome, When My Baby..., Waiting for a postman, Food court, Cocksucker, I Hate My Brain
Band page was added.
Video section was updated.
New Album news from Everblack Podcast
- Everblack Podcast: What about recording you guys got anything coming up?
- Jay: Yeah. We've had the record pretty much finished demo-wise.
- Jay: I've got all the songs or most of the songs I reckon and we're supposed to go to back to Colorado to records with Bill Stevenson.
- Jay: So that obviously got postponed when no one could go anywhere and stuff.
- Jay: So yeah, October we're going.
- Everblack Podcast: He's got a title yet?
- Jay: No. I mean, there's a few floating around but not willing to divulge you.