
Frenzal Rhomb. Australian punk rock.

Site news

  • 2022-06-28

    Photos page was updated.

  • 2022-06-27

    Guitar lessons was updated with some songs from the streams. My Dearest Friend, Back To The Suburbs, Alvarez, Snouts In The Trough, Metrognome, When My Baby..., Waiting for a postman, Food court, Cocksucker, I Hate My Brain

  • 2022-06-21

    Band page was added.

  • 2022-06-19

    Video section was updated.

  • 2022-04-22

    New Album news from Everblack Podcast

    • Everblack Podcast: What about recording you guys got anything coming up?
    • Jay: Yeah. We've had the record pretty much finished demo-wise.
    • Jay: I've got all the songs or most of the songs I reckon and we're supposed to go to back to Colorado to records with Bill Stevenson.
    • Jay: So that obviously got postponed when no one could go anywhere and stuff.
    • Jay: So yeah, October we're going.
    • Everblack Podcast: He's got a title yet?
    • Jay: No. I mean, there's a few floating around but not willing to divulge you.

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